
Becoming an active member of the KMCSF community by donating your time is one of the most meaningful ways to add a whole new dimension to your practice.

By working to improve and organize a Dharma center, we are working for all living beings [including animals] and we are practicing offering happiness to others.

— Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Many ways to help!

We have many volunteer opportunities that can be undertaken by anyone. If you have a special skill you'd like to contribute, please let us know.  


Cleaning the temple is fun and virtuous!

Assisting with classes

Class greeters, stewards at special events and sound support


Audio/Video, Webiste Design, Social Media


Taking some of our publicity for upcoming classes to local businesses.

Making Offerings

Changing the daily water offerings made on the shrine at the Center.


Experience with web design, updating content, etc.

Special Skills

Have a special skill you would like to contribute? Please let us know!

Countless Possibilities

  • Gardening
  • Painting
  • Office work
  • Organizing
  • Maintenance
  • Cooking for events

We are a Volunteer-led Organization

Kadampa Meditation Center San Francisco is a non-profit organization, relying strongly on the efforts of our volunteers.

Volunteering is a great way to share your talents or interests, have fun and help flourish Buddha's wisdom teachings in San Francisco. In addition, volunteering is a great way to get to know other Dharma practitioners and learn naturally about how to apply Dharma teachings to our lives.

It doesn’t matter how small a task may seem; each contribution of your time is immensely meaningful.

Come and speak with us about your schedule and availability and we can find something to match your needs.

Everyone is welcome to volunteer!

Contact Info

If you would like to volunteer at the Center in any capacity, please fill in the form below. It's helpful if you let us know the following:

1. If you have a specific area of expertise you would like to offer the Center (e.g. photography, videography) or if you would like to help out simply where needed.
2. When you would like to volunteer - is there a specific day of the week that works?
3. How long you would like your shift to last?

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