April 9th & 10th
Refuge Retreat
During this retreat, we will spend time developing this beautiful mind of refuge, our actual protection from all pain and problems. Through practicing refuge, we gradually build a stable peace in our mind, increase our experience of joy and freedom, and develop the confidence and strength to make authentic spiritual progress.
April 9th & 10th, 2022
April 14th & 15th
Nyungnay Fasting & Purification Retreat
Nyungnay is one of our most precious Kadampa dharma jewels and as a center practice it comes around just once a year – on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. We can spend two days with thousand-armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara – ‘Mahakaruna’ – the nature of our Guru’s great compassion, making exquisite offerings, praises and prostrations and thereby accumulate huge merit, purify vast negativity for ourself and others and receive the most powerful blessing to propel ourself swiftly along our path to enlightenment.
April 14th & 15h, 2022
April 23rd
Stop Overthinking
Let’s be clear. Thinking is necessary. We need to think, reflect, understand, know, make decisions etc. However, sometimes our thinking becomes circular, negative, stuck or unclear. We have a tendency to overthink things and find it hard to ‘switch off’ which can be exhausting and unproductive.
April 23rd, 2022
April 28th - May 1st
Journey into Your Subtle Mind - Joint Away Retreat at the IKRC Grand Canyon with KMC LA
The sutra presentation of Mahamudra emphasizes meditations on different levels of the clear, pristine nature of our own mind. These sublime meditations are deeply relaxing, and profoundly illuminating. Through these practices we gain deep insight into the flexible and limitless nature of our own mind.
April 28th - May 1st, 2022