Streams of Purifying Nectar - Vajrasattva Retreat


December 26-28

Enjoy the purification practice of Vajrasattva

To get zoom links and for payment options, please email:

Cost: $5/session, $15/day


Purification Practice

Purification practice ensures that our mental environment in which we plant the seeds of meditation is pure and not like stony ground. With such a pure mind, it is easy to attain realizations.

Vajrasattva practice is specifically designed to remove the obstacles preventing us from unlocking our own inner peace and enjoyment of life.While reciting the mantra, we concentrate on the negative karma in our mind by applying the Four Powers of Reliance, Regret, Opponent Force and Promise.

Through this practice will naturally become happier and begin to experience pure states of mind such as love, bodhichitta and wisdom.





Saturday, December 26

Session 1
9:00-10:30 am

Session 2
11:00 am-12:30 pm

Session 3
2:00-3:30 pm

Session 4
4:00-5:30 pm

Sunday December 27

Session 1
9:00-1:30 am

Session 2
11:00am-12:30 pm

Session 3
2:00-3:30 pm

Wishfulfilling Jewel w/tsog
4:30-5:45 pm

Monday, December 28

Session 1
9:00-1:30 am

Session 2
11:00am-12:30 pm


Online Retreat

KMC San Francisco
3324 17th Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

For map, click here


(415) 503-1187


No one turned away for lack of funds

We are a non-profit organization funded by class fees and donations. Any profits go to the International Temples Project for World Peace.