with Gen Tenzin

Sunday, February 14th | 10 - 11:30am

Available as a recorded video for 48 hours after the live event.

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Love & Relationships During COVID

Gain powerful insight based on Buddhist wisdom for maintaining harmony and peace in your relationships during these particularly difficult times. Discover how a daily meditation practice gives us tools for navigating conflicts with others constructively and with compassion. With effort and steady practice, each of us can realize our own potential for inner peace.


$10 for members. Become a member!

- with Gen Kelsang Tenzin

About the Teacher

Gen Kelsang Tenzin

Gen Kelsang Tenzin is an American Buddhist monk and the resident teacher at Mahakaruna and Compassion Kadampa Buddhist Centers. He has taught Kadampa Buddhism extensively throughout the United States for over 20 years. Gen Tenzin has a great depth of understanding of Buddha’s teachings and shares them with warmth and humor, making them clear, practical, and  accessible for everyone.



KMC San Francisco
3324 17th Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

For map, click here



No one turned away for lack of funds

We are a non-profit organization funded by class fees and donations. Any profits go to the International Temples Project for World Peace.