June 4 - Having a Supreme Unchanging Friend
Once a year, we celebrate Buddha’s Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day and the birthday of our founder, Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Gen Choma will do a special talk about Geshe-la and what it means to have s supreme unchanging friend in the form of a Spiritual Guide.
June 11 - Meditating on the Ultimate Good Heart, Bodhichitta
Bodhichitta is the highest form of altruism. It is a joyful and courageous good heart that brings great benefit for the meditator and those around them.
June 18 - The Power of Patience with Special Guest Teacher, Gen Khedrub
We underestimate the value of patience. When patience is present in our mind it is impossible for unhappy thoughts to gain a foothold.
Even if we never found the opportunity to sit down to study and meditate throughout our entire life, but we truly learnt to practice patient acceptance every moment of the day, we would make vast spiritual progress. On the other hand, if we spent our whole life studying and meditating, but we never practiced patience, our spiritual practice would remain superficial and inauthentic.
Gen Kelsang Khedrub is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Boston and Odiyana Buddhist Center, Connecticut. He has been studying and practicing Kadampa Buddhism under the guidance of Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for almost 30 years.
His heartfelt teachings are presented with clarity and humor that make them accessible to everyone. Through his humility and deep understanding of Buddha’s teachings, Gen Khedrub provides an inspiring example of a contemporary Buddhist practitioner we can follow.
June 25 - Spiritual Practice for Busy Daily Life, Tomoko Saeki
How can we keep a peaceful mind when we are in a painful situation and the delusion of anger is developing? Or when we’re becoming overcome with attachment that might be destructive for us? Use ancient wisdom for modern times.