Friday, January 22 - Monday, January 25

Retreat on Heruka practice.  

This is an advanced unguided retreat. No explanation of the topic will be given as part of the retreat.

(In order to attend this retreat, you must have the wish to receive the Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment.)

Cost: $5/session, $15/day. Free for TTP members. 1/2 off full day rate for other members.


Heruka Practice

A special practice of Heruka body mandala and Buddha Heruka is an enlightened deity of Highest Yoga Tantra who is the manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas. Using the practice, The Yoga of Buddha Heruka, we will gain experience of transforming ourselves out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. Gen Choma will give brief teachings before the evening sessions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This retreat is for those who have received a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment or who have a strong intention to receive one at the next available opportunity.




What is a retreat

On retreat, we stop all forms of business and extraneous activities in order to emphasize a particular spiritual practice.

This can just be one day, or a weekend, or longer if you have the time.


Days 1, 2 & 3

January 22-24

Session 1

Session 2
11:00 am-12:00 pm

Session 3
4:00-5:00 pm

Session 4
7:00-8:15 pm  
(includes 15 minutes teaching by Gen Choma from Modern Buddhism).

Day 4

January 25

Session 1

Session 2
11:00 am-12:00 pm

Offering to the Spiritual Guide

Registration: By Day & Full Event

For help with registration or links, please email:

***All sessions will be available as a recorded video until 6pm on January 29th

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50% off for members, free for TTP students

Access your Zoom Link and Video Recording

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50% off for members, free for TTP students

Access your Zoom Link and Video Recording

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50% off for members, free for TTP students

Access your Zoom Link and Video Recording

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50% off for members, free for TTP students

Access your Zoom Link and Video Recording

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50% off for members, free for TTP students

Access your Zoom Link and Video Recording


Gen Kelsang Choma

Gen Kelsang Choma is a senior teacher and Buddhist nun with the New Kadampa Tradition of Modern Buddhism; she has studied extensively on the Teacher Training Program for over 25 years and is qualified to teach both Sutra and Tantra.

She is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center San Francisco and is invited to teach nationally. People enjoy her teachings for their clarity and warmth.


Online Retreat

KMC San Francisco
3324 17th Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

For map, click here


(415) 503-1187


No one turned away for lack of funds

We are a non-profit organization funded by class fees and donations. Any profits go to the International Temples Project for World Peace.