Covid 19 Guidelines/Restrictions for In-Person Courses

All classes and courses are now live at the Temple. Some study program classes contiue to be hybrid for certain students with special situations. For more information, please contact the EPC at


    • - Masks are optional for everyone.
    • - If you are not feeling well, please do not come into the building.


Visitor Guidelines

Visitors are asked to refrain from entering if, over the last 14 days, they have had symptoms of or tested positive with COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.

- ​Be considerate of fellow visitors and volunteers.

  • - Please use hand sanitizer upon entry into the Temple.

  • - Visitors should practice good hygiene by coughing or sneezing into their elbows; tissues should be disposed of immediately; please wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


What Other Measures is KMC San Francisco Implementing?

​- A high quality air purifier is located in the meditation room.

- Windows are opened and fans are on for air circulation.

  • - Hand sanitizer is available at various places.

  • - KMC SF will work closely with local and state authorities to provide contact information as required for contact tracing.

In the interest of your personal safety and the community’s health, KMC SF requires that all visitors observe the precautions listed above at. We reserve the right to request that visitors who are not following these guidelines leave the premises.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. By visiting KMC SF, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.